Ladder Logic Program For Mac


Mini Project #2: PLC Programming with
Ladder Logic
CS 6263/ECE 8813: Cyber Physical System Security (Fall 2019)
Assigned: September 14th, 2019 Due: September 28th, 2019, 11:59pm EST
Ladder Diagram (LD)
In the second mini project, we will write PLC programs to control different real-world
systems. The programs will be written in the Ladder Diagram (LD) format which is the
most popular language for writing PLC programs. Other formats for PLC programming
are: Structured Text (ST), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Instruction List (IL), and
sequential function chart (SFC). Many early PLCs did not have accompanying programming terminals that were capable of graphical representation of the logic, and so the logic
was instead represented as a series of logic expressions in some version of Boolean format,
similar to Boolean algebra. As programming terminals evolved, it became more common
for ladder logic to be used, for the aforementioned reasons and because it was a familiar
format used for electro-mechanical control panels. Newer formats such as state logic and
Function Block (which is similar to the way logic is depicted when using digital integrated
logic circuits) exist, but they are still not as popular as ladder logic. A primary reason for
this is that PLCs solve the logic in a predictable and repeating sequence, and ladder logic
allows the programmer (the person writing the logic) to see any issues with the timing of
the logic sequence more easily than would be possible in other formats.
Instead of using a real PLC, we will use an open source PLC emulator called OpenPLC
to do the programming. The performance of the programs will be evaluated in simulated
environments representing the behavior of real-world processes. The OpenPLC is the first
fully functional standardized open source PLC, both in software and in hardware. In fact,
OpenPLC is an alternative program which simulates the behaviours and capabilities of
real PLCs with the help of simple and low-cost hardware such as Arduino or Raspberry
Pi. The focus of this software is to provide a low cost industrial solution for automation
and research. OpenPLC has also been used in many research papers as a framework for
industrial cybersecurity research, given that it is the only controller to provide the entire
source code. Once you learn how to work with OpenPLC, you can easily pick up how to
program real PLCs of different vendors.
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Ladder Logic, though is different from mainstream coding languages, is very easy to pick
up. Here are a few tutorials on ladder logic to get you started: Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2. You
can also find a lot of tutorials in YouTube and Google. Note that there is no limitation on
the methods you can use in the following sections unless it is explicitly mentioned in the
write-up. For example, you can use any number of ladders and rungs you need in your
program. It should be also noted that since we will use an autograder for this project,
you must use the predetermined names of the inputs and outputs in your program (please
see Appendix for more detailed information). Failure to follow this instruction will lead
to significant points loss (ZERO) in your final grade. We will NOT accept any excuses
for naming mistakes.
OpenPLC Setup { Writing and Testing Programs
In this section, we will explain how you can set up the project environment, write the
required programs, and test them in the provided simulators. As the first step, please
follow the below instructions to download and set up the environment containing all of
the tools required to complete this project:
1. We have provided a Virtual Machine (Ubuntu) completely tailored for this mini
project. All of the required libraries have already been installed on it and every tool
has been tested to perform as best as possible. You can use VirtualBox, VMware
Workstation (for Windows users) or Parallels Desktop (for MAC users) to use this
VM. First download the VM files located here (for .vbox and .vdi format) or here
(.ova format) and move them to your desired location on your personal machine.
Use VirtualBox (version 6.0 or later) or Parallels Desktop (version 15 preferably) to
open the downloaded VM. You can open the VM in by clicking on the .vbox file or
importing the .ova file directly in your hypervisor. Do not forget that these files
are your actual virtual machine and deleting them from your personal
computer will result in losing all of your work.
2. A user cs6263:Project2 has been created for you. Please refer to this credential in
case you need it or if you need to use the sudo” command. Open a terminal and
navigate into the OpenPLC v3″ folder. Run the OpenPLC server by typing the
following command
sudo ./
The OpenPLC server should be running now and you can open Firefox and visit
http://localhost:8080 to access it. This platform provides you with a PLC simulated
environment in which you can upload and run your PLC program like a real PLC.
In fact, the server will act as the hardware for the PLC program that will run
your written program and communicate with a physical process (simulator in this
3. Now it is the time to write your PLC programs. You can navigate to the Linux
application directory or /Desktop/OpenPLC Editor v1.0-Linux” directory and run
Georgia Institute of Technology 2 Introduction to CPS Security (CS 6263)
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
sudo ./OpenPLC_Editor/
to write logic for the OpenPLC program. To start, you should create an empty
folder for each part separately and choose that directory for that part. This link
can help you to learn how to start programing in the IDE. Please do not touch the
.Config settings (i.e., task0, Cyclic, T#20ms, Priority 0, instance0). For a list of
input/output pin definition, see the Appendix.
4. You can easily test the performance of the written program using the run button
within the IDE. You can choose the items to be shown in the Debugger tab by
selecting them with the glasses icon in the left side of the screen. By right clicking
and enforcing the values of inputs, you can see the effect of different inputs on
outputs in the Debugger tab.
5. After running and testing your program, the XML and .ST versions of the program
can be found in the relevant directory (XML is named plc.xml in the main directory
and .st is in the build directory with the name of generated For testing parts
2, 3, 4, and 5, you should upload the relevant .ST file into the server as described
in here. Verify that the page says compiled without errors”. Please remember
that you need to follow the naming instructions in Deliverables and Submission
Instructions section. A schematic diagram of the relationship between .st file and
the server has been shown in Fig. 1.
6. For Part 1 of this Mini Project, you need to test the logic of your program using the
editor, but for the Parts 2-5, very useful HMIs have been developed and are provided
in the VM. item (for part 2 & 3) You can use the directories /Desktop/ProcessSimulator/RoboPath and /Desktop/ProcessSimulator/TrafficLigh directories and
to start the HMIs associated with these parts of the project. Please note that the
HMI needs to be launched after the OpenPLC server is running using the .st file you
generate from the OpenPLC GUI. If you need to restart the server by uploading a
new PLC program, please close the HMI before uploading, and relaunch it after the
server is running again.
7. (for Part 4 & 5) You can do the same as what you did for parts 2 and 3 by going
through each process’ directory (i.e., /Desktop/ProcessSimulator/TankSystem or
/Desktop/ProcessSimulator/StirringSystem) and run the process simulator with
and the HMI file with
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Figure 1: The overall overview of the program design and test in the OpenPLC platform.
You can also use the UaExpert software. In the /Desktop/UaExpert folder, double
click UaExpert-1.5.0-319-x86 64.AppImage” (in GUI) or by typing the following
command in Terminal
to start the software. Then, open the pre-configured StirringSystem.uap” or TankSystemMonitor.uap” file to start monitoring the I/O values in real time. The values of
interest have already been added to the Data access view”. You may also leverage
this software to manually set the input and test your program. In this case, the
simulator does not need to be running.
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
1 Part 1 (25 Points)
Construct three different Ladder Logic programs, each building on the previous one:
1.1 Part 1A (5 Points)
Construct a program that will simulate a push button activated LED. The program should
satisfy the following requirements:
1. When Input0 is activated, Output1 should activate;
2. When Input0 is deactivated, Output1 should deactivate;
3. Inversely, when Input1 is activated, Output0 should deactivate;
4. When Input1 is deactivated, Output0 should activate.
Note: Input0 and Input1 are not push buttons. For example, Output1 should
be active as long as the Input0 is active. To be more clear, Input0 and Input1
are like light switches.
1.2 Part 1B (10 Points)
Construct a program that simulates an LED powered by an On-Off loop. Program requirements:
1. When Input0 is activated, Output0 should activate for 5 seconds, then deactivate
for 5 seconds;
2. The on/off process should repeat infinitely until the input is deactivated;
3. Output0 should immediately turn on after the activation of Input0;
4. Output0 should immediately turn off after the deactivation of Input0.
Note: Similar to the previous part, Input0 is not a push button.
1.3 Part 1C (10 Points)
Many times in industrial control systems, devices such as Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs) are commonly used to directly interact with sensors and actuators, and perform
local automatic control. PLCs are often placed at relatively exposed locations in the field
and are thus vulnerable to tampering by a nearby attacker. In particular, the attacker
could attempt to manipulate firmware or logic to change the behavior of the PLC.
Ladder logic bombs (LLB), i.e. malware written in ladder logic, can be inserted by an
attacker into existing control logic on a PLC, and either persistently change the behavior,
or wait for specific trigger signals to activate malicious behavior. For example, the LLB
could lay dormant until a certain sequence of control actions is performed, or a certain
point of time is reached. Then, the LLB could replace legitimate sensor readings that are
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Table 1: Binary Map of the PLC

Axis X Y
Address %IX0.0 %IX0.1 %IX0.2 %IX0.3 %IX0.4 %IX0.5
Value 0 1 1 1 0 0
Weight 20 21 22 20 21 22

being reported by the PLC to the ICS with manipulated values. Building on the Part
1B, construct a Ladder Logic Bomb that activates output 0 irrespective of the previous
conditions and further changes to inputs when one of the following conditions occurs in
the program:
1. Output0 activates 5 times;
2. 25 seconds passed from the activation of Input0.
Note that after the activation of LLB, Output0 remains active regardless of the timers
and inputs status. Change the timer preset values to make sure your designed LLB works
in both of the aforementioned cases.
Hint: You might need to use the counter module.
Note: There are some cases where condition 1 becomes true before condition
2 and vice versa. Think about it deeply!
If Input0 deactivates before the (25-second) timer operation (e.g., after 5
seconds), the (25-second) timer must be reset.
The counter that is used for modeling condition 1 (5 time operation of Output0) should not be reset under any circumstances.
2 Robot Path (15 Points)
The first process models a robot (shown as a black solid circle in Fig. 2) looking for its path
on an 8 × 8 grid. The robot can only travel along the wires and stop at the intersections.
It starts at the lowest and leftmost position in the grid, denoted as (0,0). The horizontal
direction is the x axis, and the vertical direction is the y axis. The maximum coordinates
in this grid is (7,7). The hollow circle is the target position.
Your task is to write a program that takes the current position of the robot (pos x,
pos y) and the target position (target x, target y), and control the direction of the robot
so that it will arrive at the target. Once it arrives, the robot should stay at the target
until a new target has been assigned. Note that the robot can take only one direction at
a time. If more than one direction output (%QX0.0 through %QX0.3) is activated, the
robot will not move. This should never happen for your program. You may freely choose
any of the viable paths, as long as it always gets closer to the target after each move.
The position and target coordinates are encoded in the binary form. They are mapped
to the sensor in the little endian format. For example, (6,1) will be represented in binary
as (110, 001). The 6 bits are mapped to the inputs as shown in Table 1.
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Figure 2: The robot can travel either up/down/left/right at a speed of 1 unit/sec, and it
can only travel in one direction at a time
The HMI can be conveniently used to test and debug the program. It shows the current
position, target, direction control output and actual direction of the robot. You can also
click anywhere on the grid to set a new target.
Hint: You may use the BOOL to UINT type conversion before processing the coordinates in your program.
3 Traffic Light (15 Points)
The second process models a traffic light system at a pedestrian crossing. There are
vehicles traveling easterly and westerly on the road, and pedestrians who wish to cross
the road. A red/yellow/green traffic light is used for the vehicles. A red/green traffic light
is used for the pedestrians. Normally, red light is displayed to the pedestrians and green
light is displayed to the vehicles.
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Figure 3: The HMI of the traffic light control
A vehicle congestion sensor is used to detect the amount of traffic. If the traffic
becomes congested, the sensor will activate, and vice versa. A button is available for
the pedestrian to indicate that they request to cross the road (Pedestrian XING” in the
HMI Fig. 3). Once pushed, the button will stay active for 1 second, before the process
simulator deactivates it automatically. The request shall be granted immediately if the
vehicle congestion sensor is not active (i.e., no traffic jam). The following sequence shall
be used:
1. Switch off the vehicle green light and switch on the vehicle yellow light for 3 seconds.
2. After the yellow light is on for 3 seconds, switch vehicle yellow light – > off, vehicle
red light – > on, pedestrian red light – > off, pedestrian green light – > on.
3. Let the pedestrian green light be on for 15 seconds. Then switch pedestrian green
light – > off, pedestrian red light – > on.
4. After 1 second, switch vehicle red light – > off, vehicle green light – > on.
If there is a traffic jam (vehicle sensor activated) while the Pedestrian XING button is
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
pressed, the above sequence shall not be executed until the traffic jam is cleared. If the
button is pressed again before the above sequence finishes, it should be ignored.
Write a program that controls the traffic lights and test with the HMI.
4 Tank Balancer (25 Points)
4.1 Part 4A
The tank balancer process in the OpenPLC is a system consisting of four tanks, as shown
in the following figure.
Problem description
Your objective in this project is to write the PLC programs for two different processes. A
modified version of the open source software-emulated PLC called OpenPLC, as well as
process simulators will be used.
Tank Balancer
The first process is a system consisted of four tanks, as shown in the following figure.
Each tank has 1 water inlet and 1 water outlet, as well as 3 water level sensors. Tank 1’s outlet
is connected to the inlet of tank 2. Similarly, tank 2’s outlet is connected to the inlet of tank 3,
and tank 3’s outlet is connected to the inlet of tank 4. Water flowing out of tank 4’s outlet is
discarded. Additionally, each tank’s inlet is also connected to an independant water source,
which provides random water flow into the corresponding tank (denoted as RandomInput). The
water source is not controlled by the PLC in this case. The 3 water level sensors on each tank
are activated when the water level in the tank is above certain thresholds (i.e., low, medium,
The PLC program should take the 12 sensor readings as inputs, and output 4 control signals to
the actuators of the 4 tanks’ outlet valves. The goal is to maintain the water level in each tank
between “low” and “medium” levels by adjusting the water flow among the tanks. Under no
circumstance should any “high” water level sensor be activated.
A special case is during the start of the simulation, when all tanks are empty and water is below
the “low” level. You should try to increase the water level in each tank as fast as possible, and
make sure the goal is satisfied starting at 30s after the simulation has started.
Stirring System
The second process is a mixing and stirring system. In this case, it’s a single tank which has 3
inlets for different materials (A, B, and C, respectively), a mixing blade which can be activated,
and an outlet for exhausting the mixture. This tank also has 4 level sensors, the first being the
empty sensor, and the rest three are similar to the ones in the first process (low, medium, high).
Note that the empty sensor is activated when the level is above 0.
Figure 4: Tank Balancer system Model
Each tank has 1 water inlet and 1 water outlet, as well as 3 water level sensors. Tank
1’s outlet is connected to the inlet of tank 2. Similarly, tank 2’s outlet is connected to
the inlet of tank 3, and tank 3’s outlet is connected to the inlet of tank 4. Water flowing
out of tank 4’s outlet is discarded. Additionally, each tank’s inlet is also connected to an
independent water source, which provides random water flow into the corresponding tank
(denoted as RandomInput). The water source is NOT controlled by the PLC in this case.

Three water level sensors on each tank are activated when the water level in the tank is
above certain thresholds (i.e., low, medium, high).

The PLC program should take the 12 sensor readings as inputs, and output 4 control
signals to the actuators of the 4 tanks’ outlet valves. The goal is to maintain the water
level in each tank between low” and high” levels exclusively by adjusting the water flow
among the tanks. In other words, the low” water level sensor should always be active
and high” water level sensor should never be active.
A special case is during the start of the simulation, when all tanks are empty and water
is below the low” level. You should let the water level increases initially, and make
sure the goal is satisfied starting at 30s after the simulation has begun. Note that it is
unnecessary to use a timer for 30s”. It is merely a checkpoint that will be used during
the grading process. The RandomInput is designed to provide adequate amount of water
flow so that a well designed control program can fill each tank above the low” level fast
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Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
4.2 Part 4B
With a correctly behaving control program, you are now going to implement a malicious
version of the program. Your goal is to remain stealth during the beginning test run”
of the malicious program and only start the sabotage afterwards. To do so, you need to
modify your program for the Tank Balancer so that after X minutes, only tank 2 will
start to overflow. In other words, the high” water level sensor in tank 2 will always be
activated after X minutes. All other tanks should remain the originally benign
behavior. In a real attack, X may be chosen to be very large to evade discovery during
the test run phase. For the purpose of this project, we will use a smaller value. Your goal
is to overflow tank 2 no earlier than 60 seconds after the simulation has begun, but
no later than 90 seconds. After 90 seconds, it should remain in the overflow state.
5 Stirring System (20 Points)
5.1 Part 5A
In this part, you need to write a control program for a mixing and stirring system. In this
case, it’s a single tank with 3 inlets for different materials (A, B, and C, respectively), a
mixing blade which can be activated, and an outlet for exhausting the mixture. This tank
also has 4 level sensors, namely the empty, low, medium, and high sensors. Note that the
empty sensor is activated when the level is above 0.
The PLC program should take the 4 level sensors as inputs, and control the valves for
the 3 inlets, the mixing blade, and the valve for the outlet. It should follow these specific
sequence in order to properly mix the materials:
1. The tank starts in an empty state, i.e., empty” level sensor is deactivated. All inlet
and outlet valves are closed, and mixing blade is turned off.
2. Only open the valves for inlet 1 and 2 to add A and B into the tank at the same
time, until the low” level sensor is activated. Turn off the valve for inlet 1 only.
3. Keep adding B until the medium” level sensor is activated. Leave the valve for
inlet 2 open.
4. Open the valve for inlet 3 to add B and C at the same time until the high” level
sensor is activated. Turn off both valves for inlet 2 and inlet 3. At this point, all
3 inlet valves should be closed.
5. Turn on the mixing blade.
6. After the mixing blade has run for 5 seconds, open the outlet valve to drain the
mixture and keep the mixing blade running. No inlet valve should be open
during this process.
7. When all mixture has been drained, the empty” sensor will be deactivated. As soon
as this happens, turn off the mixing blade. Wait for 3 seconds with the outlet
Georgia Institute of Technology 10 Introduction to CPS Security (CS 6263)
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
e PLC program should take the 4 level sensors as inputs, and control the valves for the 3
ets, the mixing blade, and the valve for the outlet. It should follow these specific sequence in
er to properly mix the materials:
1. Start from empty tank, make sure the outlet valve is closed, and mixing blade is t
2. Only open the valve for inlet 1 to add A into the tank, until the “low” level sensor i
activated. Turn off the valve.
3. As soon as A is added, add B in the similar way until the “medium” level sensor is
4. Similarly, add C until the “high” level sensor is activated.
5. Turn on the mixing blade.
6. After the mixing blade has run for 5 seconds, open the outlet valve to drain the m
No inlet valve should be open during this process!
7 When all mixture has been drained
Figure 5: Stirring System Model
valve open, mixing blade turned off, and all inlet valves closed. Then close
the outlet valve.
8. Start over from step 1.
Note that for a valve, a logical high or True” means open and vice versa.
5.2 Part 5B

With a correctly behaving control program, you are now going to implement a malicious
version of the program, again. As usual your goal is to remain stealthy during the begin
ning test run” of the malicious program and only start the sabotage afterwards. To do
so, you need to modify your program for the Stirring System so that after looping through

the process Y times, it will invert the behavior of the mixing blade. In other words,
the mixing blade needs to be turned off in step 5 and 6, and turned on during the rest of
the time. In a real attack, Y may be chosen to be very large to evade discovery during
the test run phase. For the purpose of this project, we will use a smaller one. Your goal
is to invert the behavior of only the mixing blade after looping through the steps exactly
3 times, i.e., starting from the 4th time your program runs at step 1.
Georgia Institute of Technology 11 Introduction to CPS Security (CS 6263)
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Deliverables and Submission Instructions
Create a zip file with called <First Name> <Last Name> (Example: Sreeramamurthy Tripuramallu, that includes all your files and submit it on Canvas.
Your zip file should be generated in such a way that when it is extracted, we get a folder
with the name programs. Note: Failure to follow the submission and naming
instructions will cause 20% points loss.
<First Name>-<Last Name>-mp2
– programs
– part1a.xml
– part1b.xml
– part1c.xml
– part2.xml
– part3.xml
– part4a.xml
– part4b.xml
– part5a.xml
– part5b.xml
Please check your submission multiple times as we will not accept any submissions after
the deadline for any reasons (e.g., wrong file submission). You will get ZERO points if
your program cannot be compiled without errors.
Georgia Institute of Technology 12 Introduction to CPS Security (CS 6263)
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Appendix for OpenPLC Programs
Please use the following addressing conventions for each of the OpenPLC programs.
Table 2: Part 1A

It's very good for real-time measurement, the use of this software is very professional. Ladder Logic Tutorial; Free Ladder Logic Programming Software; Free Plc Ladder Logic Software; To do so, you of course must first write a proper Ladder Logic program, then download it to The PLC, and lastly place The PLC into the 'Run' mode. If you did everything correctly, then the boxes will run along the conveyor being filled as they pass.

Address Note Address Note
%IX0.0 Input0 %QX0.0 Output0
%IX0.1 Input1 %QX0.1 Output1

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Address Note Address Note
%IX0.0 Input0 %QX0.0 Output0

Table 4: Part 2 Robot Path
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Ladder Logic Program For Mac Os

Address Note
%IX0.0 Position x bit 0
%IX0.1 Position x bit 1
%IX0.2 Position x bit 2
%IX0.3 Position y bit 0
%IX0.4 Position y bit 1
%IX0.5 Position y bit 2
%IX0.6 Target x bit 0
%IX0.7 Target x bit 1
%IX1.0 Target x bit 2
%IX1.1 Target y bit 0
%IX1.2 Target y bit 1
%IX1.3 Target y bit 2
%QX0.0 Direction Up
%QX0.1 Direction Down
%QX0.2 Direction Left
%QX0.3 Direction Right

Georgia Institute of Technology 13 Introduction to CPS Security (CS 6263)
Mini Project #2 PLC Programming with Ladder Logic
Table 5: Part 3 Traffic Light

Address Note
%IX0.0 Vehicle sensor
%IX0.1 Pedestrian crossing button
%QX0.0 Vehicle red light
%QX0.1 Vehicle yellow light
%QX0.2 Vehicle green light
%QX0.3 Pedestrian red light
%QX0.4 Pedestrian green light

Table 6: Part 4 Tank Balancer

Address Note Address Note
%IX0.0 Tank 1 low level sensor %IX0.1 Tank 1 medium level sensor
%IX0.2 Tank 1 high level sensor %IX0.3 Tank 2 low level sensor
%IX0.4 Tank 2 medium level sensor %IX0.5 Tank 2 high level sensor
%IX0.6 Tank 3 low level sensor %IX0.7 Tank 3 medium level sensor
%IX1.0 Tank 3 high level sensor %IX1.1 Tank 4 low level sensor
%IX1.2 Tank 4 medium level sensor %IX1.3 Tank 4 high level sensor
%QX0.0 Tank 1 outlet valve %QX0.1 Tank 2 outlet valve
%QX0.2 Tank 3 outlet valve %QX0.3 Tank 4 outlet valve

Ladder Logic Software For Mac

Table 7: Part 5 Stirring System

Address Note Address Note
%IX0.0 Empty level sensor %IX0.1 Low level sensor
%IX0.2 Medium level sensor %IX0.3 High level sensor
%QX0.0 Inlet valve 1 (material A) %QX0.1 Inlet valve 2 (material B)
%QX0.2 Inlet valve 3 (material C) %QX0.3 Stirring Blade
%QX0.4 Outlet valve

Ladder Logic Program For Mac Download

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