Xbox Live Ban Tool No Download

You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Zuma deluxe free download mac. There is also a message spamming tool out. It basically spams recent players from the persons orginal account with vulgur repsonses and abuses the Xbox ban system. It happend to me yesterday as these kids were trying to get my account banned lmao. It’s messed up because I’m comms banned for no reason lol. Plds dvd%2b-rw du-8a5hh driver download.

Some of you have probably looked at Youtube and found this Xbox Live Ban Tool software which, when used correctly, the software will ban an Xbox Live user.
Link to a video here -
Ok, so I thought to test this software to see what is actually going on!

I used a decompile software to view the source code, lets bare in mind the software was made in so the code can easily be viewed. What I found in the code was what I thought - A LOAD OF RUBBISH!
People have claimed the software has worked! Today, my friends, I will show the source code of the software. (Don't worry about if you don't know much about coding, I will made is understandable for you).
Ok, firstly the windows forms. We have 4 which are -
LoginForm1 - Sign in form
LoginForm2 - Register form
AboutBox - About form
Form1 - Main form
I am not to bothered with the login forms and about form, I'm interested in the main form (or form1). However, I will add that the register form (LoginForm2) does not send ANY information to any database. When a user inputs data within a text box, the data will save within some created settings, when the user inputs another data into the text box, the data will over-ride. So actually there is nothing to worry about!
So now the main form!
Let's start with the 'Ban the profile' button shall we!
Here is the code for the button -
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Me.ProgressBar1.Visible = True
Windows Me.Enabled = False
MyProject.Forms.LoginForm1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Basically this is saying that when the button is clicked, the progress bar (timer needed) will start and the login form 1 will be disabled until finished.
The next part we need to look at is the timer coding. This is because when the progress bar is max'ed out, the coding within the timer will begin. Let's look at what's inside the timer -
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim progressBar1 As ProgressBar = Me.ProgressBar1
progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Value + 1
If (Me.ProgressBar1.Value = Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum) Then
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat(Me.TextBox1.Text, ' will be banned in 1 or 2 Days if not click the 'Help' Button. Program made by the Leader of the OGMz Corporation. Please visit'))
MyProject.Forms.LoginForm1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

Xbox Live Ban Tool Download

Basically, this is saying that when the progress bar is at maximum, the timer will stop and a message box will appear.
As you can see, no information was sent to any Xbox live servers, not even attempted to do so!
After a few more minutes digging around in the code, I found a lovely piece of coding - the makers gamertag!
Here is the code in the text box where you enter a gamertag -

Xbox Live Ban Tool No Download Windows 10

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (Me.TextBox1.Text.Contains('HcM i GoLDMoDz')) Then
Interaction.MsgBox('You are a funny one aren't you?!', MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, 'Invalid Gamertag')

Xbox Live Ban Tool

End If
End Sub

Xbox Live Ban Tool No Download Free

As you can see, if you type in his gamertag - HcM i GoLDMoDz, a message box appears!
That's it guys! Make sure you laugh at OriginalGoldModz (or OGM) when you see them, hacking around!

Xbox Live Ban Tool No Download